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Top 4 Animation Tips that Creature Animators Should Know in 2019

industrial 3d animation

With the need for creature animation on a constant rise, video animation production companies are now looking for animators who bring creatures and animations to life that provide a realistic feel is becoming more important than ever before. While there is no rocket science involved in it, it is necessary to stay prepared with a few tips and tricks to create the best animation possible. So, we have put together a few top tips from the experts to help you make the best creature animation possible.

1. Creatures Are Also Characters

One of the major mistakes when it comes to creature animation is that, most of these comes across as dumb animals, which are far from characters that live, breathe and think. So, it is important to understand what your creature is thinking, its history and its motivation at the moment, when you are animating. These are the fine details that make your shot valuable.

2. Choose the Animation Style According to the Project

Different projects come with different requirements. While some projects want the animal characters to precisely fit into a more realistic environment, while the others (like fantasy) want the animals to just move around in a way that seems real in that world. Therefore, ultimately, it is all about figuring out what works well for a particular project. So, just determine what the project need - a ‘cartoony creature’ or a ‘fantasy creature’, and then work accordingly.

3. Use Distinct Animation Mechanics for Creatures

While the animation principles remain the same for both animals and humans, there is a huge difference in the way you handle it. This is known as the body mechanics of what is being animated. So, it is important to review the video reference and match the cadence of what you can see.

4. Learn Different Skills to Improve Animation Workflow

Knowing the software your work with as well as possible is essential to quickly alter the in-shot characters without damaging the rig. So, just master layers, constraints, mel scripting as well as basic rigging. Improving your technical ability will help you to deal better with complicated rigs.

To Conclude

Apart from considering all the above discussed aspects, it is important to consider those for whom you work for. These include the 3D Architectural Visualization company you work for, the people who supervise you and the ones who work under you. It is important to understand the needs of the studio you work for and create animation pieces that can be worked upon by the next department. Simply put - co-ordination is the key to successful animations.


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